Spring Update
Through the years, I have been particularly concerned with taking on issues that are significant in the evangelical world. These issues go beyond the everyday battles of ministry. Many of my books, like The Gospel According to Jesus, which focused on lordship salvation, and Charismatic Chaos, which confronted the dangers of the charismatic movement, were aimed at addressing widespread challenges facing the church. It’s always a joy to see the impact of the Word of God when Truth is brought to bear against error. Fallacy is always crushed under the power of Christ’s ultimate truth.
At this year’s Shepherds Conference, I encouraged the men with a particular subject that is of constant concern to me and is a crucial truth for the redeemed and the entire world. The Bible is concise, clear, powerful, and hopeful in dealing with this truth, but, strangely, the topic is widely discussed with a measure of indifference. I’m referring to what the Bible reveals about eschatology – the end times. It is a continual burden and discouragement to me that God has spoken so clearly about everything in this universe, including the end, and Christians continue to disregard or neglect the consummation of God’s redemptive history. Therefore, I chose to use the last session of the 2023 Shepherds Conference to challenge the men on key truths about the end times from the book of Zechariah.
Zechariah, of all the books in the Old Testament, is the most complete in its revelation of the end times. The Lord Jesus is the recurring theme of the book. He is revealed in the literal details of his life, death, and second coming.
Discussed the pre-incarnate work of Christ to advance God’s plan for Israel.
Considered His intercession for the nation Israel.
Foretold Christ’s first coming in humility, His rejection, His betrayal for 30 pieces of silver, and His ultimate crucifixion for the sins of His people.
Declared Christ’s second coming as the glorious King who will gather God’s people, conquer Israel’s foes, cleanse His elect, build the temple, stand victorious on the Mount of Olives, reign supreme, and receive worship from all the Earth’s inhabitants.
Revealed the Messiah as the true and good Shepherd in contrast to Israel’s corrupt leaders.
Pointed out that the Good Shepherd would rebuke and call out false teachers, which Christ did by rebuking the priests, elders, and scribes of Israel.
Denoted that Israel will one day fall to a false shepherd, the Antichrist, because of their rejection of the true Shepherd.
Anticipated the Priest-King, who would bring the two offices together, redeeming His people as their Priest and reigning over them as King.
Zechariah prophesied all the way to the millennial kingdom of Christ and includes far more details about the future of Israel and the redeemed.
Revealed that the millennial kingdom will be earthly and climatic.
Stated that Jerusalem — known as the city of truth — and the temple will be rebuilt, and God’s glory will return to dwell in the city and God will be a wall of fire around it.
Anticipated during the millennial kingdom that the Messiah will cleanse His people and call Israel, “My people,” and Israel will respond, “Yahweh is “My God.”
Established that competent leaders and priests will lead the people in true worship.
Foretold that the kingdom of God will be a new creation so that death and the curse are severely curtailed. During that time people will dwell in peace and security.
Predicted at the center of the millennial kingdom will be the ultimate King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Presented that the kingdom will begin with Jesus Christ’s inauguration as the world celebrates His accomplishments throughout redemptive history. He will be the only king over the whole Earth, and all people will bring Him worship. Of course, these promises are especially targeted at the remnant of God’s people, including a literal Israel.
Because this is such a vital doctrine for the church of Jesus Christ, I recently partnered with the MacArthur Trust, Drs. Abner Chou, Iosif Zhakevich, and Nathan Busenitz to complete a 400-page commentary on the book of Zechariah. Copies of the commentary are now available through Grace Books, a ministry of Grace Community Church.
I am thankful for your generosity which makes projects like the Zechariah commentary attainable through the John MacArthur Charitable Trust. The Trust is making an immense impact on the lives of our people – families, students, pastors, missionaries, and many others. The Lord continues to do more than we could ever ask or hope (Eph. 3:20), and we praise Him for it.
Yours for the Master