Pastor John’s Spring Update

Three decades after his conversion, the Apostle Paul reflected on the marvelous work God had done through the ministry of the gospel. He summarized his wonder with these words: “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen” (Eph 3:21–22). As I look back on 55 years of ministry at Grace Community Church, it is impossible to improve on those words from Paul. Truly, the Lord has done far beyond all I could have imagined or thought possible.

When I started at Grace Church in 1969, my ministry objectives were simple and straightforward—to preach the Word of God verse by verse, to train up the next generation of spiritual leaders, and to equip our people to fulfill the Great Commission. I knew that if I focused on the depth of my preaching ministry, the Lord would take care of the breadth of it. But I never anticipated the kind of fruit with which He would bless the work of His Word.


  • The media ministry of Grace to You reaches millions of listeners with biblical truth, broadcasting sermons on 2,415 radio outlets around the globe. Additionally, more than one million sermons are downloaded from GTY’s website and apps every month.

  • This year, The Master’s University reached its highest enrollment ever, with more than 1,200 undergraduate students in residence, and an additional 900 studying online or in graduate-level programs.  

  • The Master’s Seminary is also enjoying its highest enrollment, with nearly 800 men preparing for ministry, nearly 200 of whom are studying in Spanish. These men will join the more than 2,000 graduates of TMS who currently serve in some 75 countries around the world.

  • The Master’s Academy International currently consists of 19 member schools, with more than 70 teaching sites in 23 countries. Collectively, TMAI schools have trained more than 8,000 pastors across the globe. Over the next five years, TMAI expects to nearly double the number of schools that are part of its international training network.

  • Adding to our church’s global reach, Grace Ministries International, the missionary sending arm of Grace Church, has 89 missionary families serving in 34 countries.

  • The recently formed John MacArthur Publishing Group is producing vitally-important new resources including The War on Children, The MacArthur Old Testament Commentary (with Daniel currently in process), and a 12-book series on the Great Chapters of the Bible.

  • Last month, the Shepherds Conference hosted the largest conference in its 44-year history. Some 5,000 pastors and church leaders descended on our campus for three wonderful days of fellowship and worship centered around the preaching of the Word.

  • Grace Community Church continues to flourish and grow, as hundreds of people are baptized and join the church each year. Locally, our church engages in dozens of ministries to those in the Los Angeles area, including 13 foreign-language Bible studies, door-to-door evangelism, and ministries to prisons, abortion clinics, addiction recovery centers, hospitals, and more.

  • A primary area of focus for Grace Church is its ministry to families and children. One example of that emphasis is our upcoming Vacation Bible School, which will host 1,000 children—from both our church and the surrounding neighborhood—for a week of incredible fun and sound biblical instruction.

This is just a small sampling of all that God continues to do through the ministry of His Word. The scope of it is both staggering and humbling because it represents an immense stewardship. All of it is the Lord’s doing, and it is a profound privilege for us to be part of His work over these 55 years. After all, it is a rare occasion when one can see the impact of the preaching and teaching of the Word of God over half a century.

As we look to the future, it is essential that we steward the resources, opportunities, and blessings the Lord has entrusted to us. That is why The MacArthur Trust was formed, to ensure the doctrinal fidelity and fiscal sustainability of these ministries which God has raised up through the preaching of His Word. Thank you for joining with us in the work of gospel ministry through your faithful prayers and financial partnership. What a joy it is to participate in what the Lord is doing, knowing that the spiritual blessings we receive in return are far beyond what we could ask or think.

Yours in the Truth,




A Student Thank You


Grace for Any Obstacle: How the Lord Brought Tage Herrington to The Master’s Seminary and Legacy Academy