Our Ministry Leaders: An Interview with Mark Tatlock

President | The Master’s Academy International

Why do you think the number of The Master’s Academy International (TMAI) member schools is growing at such a torrid pace? Why do pastors and church leaders around the world trust the work TMAI does?

One major reason is that the world is growing more and more evil. This shouldn’t surprise us—the Bible says that in the last days difficult times will come. But as the lies get more and more pronounced, and the line between sound doctrine and false doctrine becomes clearer, the light of the truth shines brighter. False religion, government, society, and the media are all peddling the devil’s deception, and God’s elect are hungry for truth. At the same time, because of the decline of many western missions’ efforts, there are few places men can go in their own countries to be trained in biblical truth. Like all the MacArthur Trust family of ministries, TMAI is unwavering in its commitment to teaching God’s Word, and pastors value the training they receive because they know that it is centered on Christ and His Word. We have seen unprecedented numbers of men coming to our schools to be trained, and we pray that the Lord will continue to allow us to serve the global church in this way.

Why is a church-focused strategy the most effective way to advance the gospel in any culture or context?

The church is God’s design for accomplishing the Great Commission. Church planting is the most effective way to evangelize and make disciples. We believe that the best way to advance the gospel is to send biblically qualified men to new locations to start the process of raising up other biblically qualified men who will preach and teach God’s sufficient Word and establish local churches. Those men, in turn, will raise up new leaders capable of planting other churches. As believers in the local churches mature, they become witnesses to their cultures of the transforming gospel in culturally effective ways. The truth is more powerful than the strongest cultural deception or delusion, and the Bible is clear that the church is the pillar and support of the truth. So no matter the country, the culture, or the language, there is no better way to advance the gospel than through strong, self-replicating churches. And the best way to ensure the church is strong is to train her leaders.


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